#GoOpenNC provides a Google Classroom™ integration, which allows members to save and share resource through their Google Classroom account. Once you’ve found the resource you’d like to use in your class, follow the instructions below to save it to Google Classroom.


Note: Your school must have a Google Apps for Education account in order for you to save #GoOpenNC resources to Google Classroom.

  1. Login to #GoOpenNC.
  2. Select the resource you would like to save.
  3. Select the Google Classroom icon.




  1. Log in to your Google Classroom account.
  2. Select the class to which you would like to share the resource, and then choose an action such as Create assignment.
  3. Select Go.


  1. Add instructions for your students as desired. You will then see a notification screen indicating that you have successfully posted the resource to your Google Classroom class. Click View to see the resource in your class.




View of the #GoOpenNC resource as it appears in your Google Classroom class: